golf course ne demek?
- Golf sahasi
- Çimenlerle kaplı, açık, geniş bir alanda, ufak bir topu özel sopalarla ilerleterek belli bir deliğe sokma amaçlı oynanan oyun.
Game played with a small ball and a bat or club crooked at the lower end.
He who drives the ball into each of a series of small holes in the ground and brings it into the last hole with the fewest strokes is the winner.
Global Oscillations at Low Frequencies Helioseismology instrument aboard SOHO which analyzes the vibrational modes of the Sun more!.
Gulf , golf.
To play at golf.
Game played on a large open course with 9 or 18 holes; the object is use as few strokes as possible in playing all the holes play golf.
This fee helps to supplement the revenue and aid in the expense of maintaining the LSU Golf Course For this fee, each full-time student receives a discounted green fee.
Game played on a large open course with 9 or 18 holes; the object is use as few strokes as possible in playing all the holes.
golf caddie
- Golf takimi tasiyici
golf cart
- Golf arabasi
- Sürgün avına çıkmak
- Akmak, hızla akmak
- Koşmak, hızla ilerlemek
- Av peşinden koşturmak.
- Yön, cihet, istikamet
- Ders, kurs
- Rota
- Gidiş
- Yol
- Ahça kap, tabak, servis
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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