global character ne demek?
- Değiştirilebilir damga
Changeable, exchangeable, alterable, convertible, modifiable, replaceable, commutable, open-ended.
- Baştan başa
- Toplam, tamamı
- Toptan.
- Küresel.
- Genel
Variable, configuration section, procedure etc having a scope which is unlimited.
This defines the scope of a variable or procedure If they are made global they can be accessed from anywhere.
Basic search on the Library catalogue which searches all fields of the record.
Global variable is one that is outside every set of braces and is available in every scope.
Global means the whole world.
global account
- Genel Hesap
- Karakter
- Harf, harf türü
- Kişilik
- Karakteristik yapı
- Şan, isim
- Bk. tonal character
- Işaret
- Huy, tabiat, ahlak
- El yazısı
- Vasıf, nitelik
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
globalglobal accountglobal alan kotalamasıglobal atmospheric research programglobal atomsglobal backupglobal bondsglobal catalogglobal codeglobal commandsglobglob corneglob korngloaminggloatgloat overgloatergloatingcharactercharacter actorcharacter analysischaracter assassinationcharacter at a time printercharacter boundarycharacter boxcharacter cellcharacter checkcharacter codeCharacidaecharacinescharacinidaecharabanc