glandulae circumanales ne demek?
- Anal keseler
- Anüsle ilgili.
- Anüs yoluyla.
- Anüse yakın veya anüste yer alan.
- Bk. analis.
- Anüse ait
Pertaining to, or situated near, the anus; as, the anal fin or glands.
Stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated on the anal region; fixation at this stage is said to result in orderliness, meanness, stubbornness, compulsiveness, etc.
Of or related to the anus; 'anal thermometer'.
- Anal, anüs ile ilgili, anüsten yapılan
glandulae alveolares
- Alveoler bezler
glandulae bronchales
- Glandula bronkales
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
glandulae alveolaresglandulae bronchalesglandulae buccalesglandulae cardiacaeglandulae caudaeglandulae ceruminosaeglandulae ciliaresglandulae duodenalesglandulae genitales accessoriaeglandulae nasalesglandulaglandula bronkalesglandula bukkalesglandula bulbourethralisglandula bulbouretraliscircumanalcircumanal glandscircumambientcircumambulatecircumambulation