geographic method ne demek?
- Coğrafyasal yöntem
geographic market concentration
- Coğrafi pazar yoğunlaşması
- Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi, GIS, coğrafi olarak başvurulan bilgiyi saklayabilen, çalıştırabilen ve gösterebilen bilgisayar sistemi
- Yöntem, usul, metot
- Yol, tarz
- Düzen, nizam
- Yordam
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
geographic market concentrationgeographic geographic area relationshipgeographic domain namesgeographic expeditiongeographic isolationgeographicgeographic latitudegeographic locationsgeographic longitudegeographermethodmethod of agreementmethod of analysismethod of blastingmethod of choicemethod of concomitant variationsmethod of differencemethod of discmethod of false positionmethod of finite differencesmethmethabolic pathwaymethacholinemethachromasiamethachromatism