general agent ne demek?
- Tem yetkili temsilci
- Umumi mümessil
- Genel temsilci
- Tema.
- Bk. geçirmeli elektron mikroskobu
The transverse electromagnetic mode that is a means of describing the cross sectional shape of a laser beam Typical TEM modes for industrial lasers include a Gaussian shaped beam energy distribution, a bimodal-shaped beam, and a ring shaped distribution.
Transmission electron microscopy.
Transition electron microscopy, used for very high magnification study of internal metallic structures.
Transmission Electron Microscope, STEM - Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope.
general agreement on trade and tariffs
- Gümrük Tarifeleri ve Ticaret Genel Anlaşması
- Ticari kısıtlamaları en aza indirerek uluslararası ticareti teşvik etmek için yapılan anlaşma
general ability
- Genel yetenek
- Acente, temsilci
- Ajan, distribütör
- Etkili olan kimse veya şey
- Etken, etmen, faktör
- Vekil
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
general agreement on trade and tariffsgeneral abilitygeneral acceptancegeneral access denied errorgeneral accountantgeneral accountinggeneralgeneral accountsgeneral additive rulegeneral administrative expensesgeneral administratorgeneragenegene amdahlgene cloninggene clustergene complexagentagent bankagent basedagent in useagent nameagent of necessityagent of traderagent optionsagent orangeagent oriented modelling techniqueagencyagency administratoragency businessagency directoragency fee