gang ne demek?
- Bir maden cevherini, bir değerli taşı saran değersiz madde.
- Maden cevher damarının işletilemeyen değersiz bölümü.
- İng. Haydut çetesi.
To go; to walk.
Going; a course.
Number going in company; hence, a company, or a number of persons associated for a particular purpose; a group of laborers under one foreman; a squad; as, a gang of sailors; a chain gang; a gang of thieves.
Combination of similar implements arranged so as, by acting together, to save time or labor; a set; as, a gang of saws, or of plows.
Set; all required for an outfit; as, a new gang of stays.
Printing multiple pages or documents on the same sheet to save money and paper.
Grouping of forms arranged to print together with a single impression Also known as gang printing, gang run, or gang up.
To combine unrelated jobs on one printing plate in order to save costs and setup charges.
Artworks mounted together so that they can be reproduced/printed together.
Duct , course , action , corridor , errand , gait , gangway , gear , hallway , operation , passage , passageway , running , speed , tread , vein , visit , walk , walkway , way , working.
The mineral substance which incloses a vein; a matrix; a gangue.
Tool consisting of a combination of implements arranged to work together an organized group of workmen an association of criminals; 'police tried to break up the gang'; 'a pack of thieves' act as an organized group.
An association of criminals; 'police tried to break up the gang'; 'a pack of thieves'.
An informal body of friends; 'he still hangs out with the same crowd'.
An organized group of workmen.
Tool consisting of a combination of implements arranged to work together.
Act as an organized group.
Group of frames or impositions in the same forme of different jobs arranged and positioned to be printed together.
To halftone or separate more than one image in only one exposure To reproduce two or more different printed products simultaneously on one sheet of paper during one press run Also called combination run.
The arrangement of multiple designs of either similar or different patterns that print as a single impression.
To halftone or separate more than one image in only one exposure Also to print two or more finished products on the same sheet during one press run.
- I, f çete; takım, ekip; guruh, suru; avene; yardakçılar; işçi takımı; mak alet takımı; f takım olmak, işbirliği yapmak; kdili çete halinde saldırmak; iskorj gitmek, yurumek gang plow çok bıçaklı pulluk gang up on ABD, argo saldırmak, karşı gelmek
- Harekete geçmek, birleşmek
gang bang
- Gang bang, karmaşık bir ürünü hızlı bir şekilde bitirmek için birçok programcı kullanma (Bilgisayar); birkaç kişinin bir kişiyle cinsel ilişkiye girdiği durum (Halk Argosu); toplu tecavüz (Halk Argosu)
gang boss
- Ekip başı, postabaşı