follower rest ne demek?
- Gezer yatak
- Dolaşan, gezen, gezici.
Mobile, decorative structure made with delicate objects that are strung in balance on rods and are sensitive to the breeze or light touch, decorative structure made of plastic toys that is hung over a crib as an amusement for babies.
follower of baptistic doctrines
- Baptist
- Takipçi
- Taraftar, mürit
- Hizmetli, baskıcı
- Hayran
- Havari, peyk, yandaş
- Pokerde, bir oyuncunun önündeki paranın tümü.
- Karşı çıkış.
- Dayanmak, yaslanmak, durmak, dinlendirmek, dikmek (bakış), dayamak, koymak, çıkarmak, gömülü olmak, olmaya devam etmek, aynen kalmak
To arrest.
State of quiet or repose; a cessation from motion or labor; tranquillity; as, rest from mental exertion; rest of body or mind.
Hence, freedom from everything which wearies or disturbs; peace; security.
Sleep; slumber; hence, poetically, death.
That on which anything rests or leans for support; as, a rest in a lathe, for supporting the cutting tool or steadying the work.
Projection from the right side of the cuirass, serving to support the lance.
Place where one may rest, either temporarily, as in an inn, or permanently, as, in an abode.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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