finnish sauna ne demek?

  1. Finlandiya sauna, sıcak taşŸlar üzerine su atarak buhar elde edilen sauna

finnish school

  1. Fin okulu

finnish spitz dog

  1. Finlandiya spitzi


  1. Kuru buhar banyosu, Fin hamamı.
  2. Bu banyonun bulunduğu yer.
  3. (en)Finnish dry heat treatment in a wood-lined room The heat induces sweating to cleanse the body of impurities.
  4. (en)Sauna.
  5. (en)Finnish steam bath; steam is produced by pouring water over heated rocks.
  6. (en)Dry heat in a wooden room used to open the pores and eliminate toxins through sweat.
  7. (en)Dry heat in a wooden room is used to open the pores and eliminate toxins through sweat In combination with refreshing cold showers, saunas can improve the body's immune defenses and favor recovery from stress.
  8. Sauna, Fin hamamı.
  9. Sauna, fin hamamı

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