film ne demek?
- Sinema makinesiyle gösterilen eser.
- Fotoğrafçılıkta, radyografide ve sinemacılıkta resim çekmek için kullanılan, selülozdan, saydam, bükülebilir şerit.
- Sinemacılıkta, bir oyunun bütününü taşıyan şerit veya şeritlerin bütünü.
- Makinesiyle gösterilen eser.
- Camlara yapıştırılarak içerinin görünmesini engelleyen bir tür ince yaprak.
- Bk. yaygı
- Sinemafilmini gerçekleştirmekte kullanılan, selüloitten, saydam, esnek, bükülebilir, eni ve biçimi ölçünlere göre belirlenmiş kuşak; sinemanın ham özdeği
- Bunun, henüz alıcıda kullanılmamış, duyarkatı etkilenmemiş olanı, boşfilm
- Aynı kuşağın alıcıda kullanılmış, üzerinde gizli görüntü oluşmuş olanı, dolufilm
- (Genel anlamda) Göstericide kullanılmak üzere her şeyi hazır, tamamlanmamış sinema yapıtı. (Filmin siyah-beyaz, renkli, dar, geniş, sesli, sessiz, negatif, pozitif, vb. birçok çeşidi vardır; bunlar kendi maddelerinde ayrı ayrı gösterilmiştir).
- Bir yüzeyi kaplayan ince katman veya çok ince zar halinde levha.
- Fotoğraf çekmek için hazırlanmış, bir yüzü gümüş tuzları ve/veya ışığa duyarlı organik maddelerle kaplı, saydam ve elastik şerit.
Thin skin; a pellicle; a membranous covering, causing opacity; hence, any thin, slight covering.
Slender thread, as that of a cobweb.
To cover with a thin skin or pellicle.
Whether photographic or holographic, film consists of light sensitive chemicals spread on a surface A film's resolution measures the ability to distinguish between details Because holographic films must be able to record very detailed information, they have a resolving power of 50 or more times that of photographic film They require either exposure to a high-intensity pulsed laser or a long exposure to a continuous wave laser Holographic film is developed in a manner similar to photographic film, by bathing it in a series of chemical agents.
The material used in a camera to record a photographic image Generally it is a light-sensitive emulsion coated on a flexible acetate or plastic base.
Roll or sheet of a flexible material coated on one side with a light-sensitive emulsion and used in the camera to record an image.
Sites dedicated to preservation, celebration and presentation of film, movies and film culture These include film news, film resources, film magazines and film archives, as well as sites that post films or allow for the creation of films online Film does not include fan sites.
Photographic emulsion coated on a flexible, transparent base that records images or scenes.
Material that is loaded into an imagesetter Film is coated with a light sensitive emulsion and exposed with laser light inside the output device After chemical development the film holds a very sharp image of the layout created by the designer This film is used to prepare printing plates for a press run.
Photographic material consisting of a thin, transparent plastic base coated with light sensitive emulsion After exposure and processing film is left carrying a visible image in black silver or dye.
Film is photo-sensitized acetate sheets which are processed through exposure to light Film carries the images to be printed The acetate sheets are solid black before exposure After esposure, the image areas become clear Film is first used to make proofs and then, second, used to make metal printing plates.
Film is photo-sensitized acetate sheets which are processed through exposure to light Film carries the images to be printed The acetate sheets are solid black before exposure After exposure, the image areas become clear Film is first used to make proofs and then, second, used to make metal printing plates.
Photographic mixture coated on a flexible, transparent base that can record images or scenes Based on the type, film has the ability to record either still or moving images.
Thin, transparent plastic sheet that is coated with a photographic emulsion After exposure, it is developed and processed to produce either a negative or a positive to top.
Compilation of light sensitive silver salts, color couplers , and other materials suspended in an emulsion and coated on an acetate base The storehouse of our visions, nightmares, and dreams.
Hi-resolution files are sent from a computer to an imagesetter which prints onto clear film Once the film has been developed with chemicals it is used as a mask when exposing a specially coated metal 'plate'.
Printing term for the photosensitive material, usually emulsion-coated acetate, that contains the image.
The light sensitive material used in non-digital cameras to record an image.
Membrane or sheeting material with a nominal thickness of 10 mils or less.
In printing, the photographically created mechanical from which printing plates are produced.
Sheet of polyurethane not greater then 0 010' in thickness.
Any sheet or strip or transparent plastic coated with a light-sensitive emulsion.
Film , flick , picture.
Film, motion picture, moving picture, movie, cinematographfilm, cine-film, pic spaghetti , macaroni.
Moving picture.
Cine film.
Silver screen.
The layer, usually of gelatin or collodion, containing the sensitive salts of photographic plates; also, the flexible sheet of celluloid or the like on which this layer is sometimes mounted.
Thin coating or layer; 'the table was covered with a film of dust' photographic material consisting of a base of celluloid covered with a photographic emulsion; used to make negatives or transparencies a thin sheet of material used to wrap or cover things a medium that disseminates moving pictures; 'theater pieces transferred to celluloid'; 'this story would be good cinema'; 'film coverage of sporting events' make a film or photograph of something; 'take a scene'; 'shoot a movie' record in film; 'The coronation was filmed'.
Audiovisual aids.
Picture play.
The screen.
Tie in.
Form of entertainment that enacts a story by a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement; 'they went to a movie every Saturday night'; 'the film was shot on location'.
Medium that disseminates moving pictures; 'theater pieces transferred to celluloid'; 'this story would be good cinema'; 'film coverage of sporting events'.
Thin coating or layer; 'the table was covered with a film of dust'.
Thin sheet of material used to wrap or cover things.
Photographic material consisting of a base of celluloid covered with a photographic emulsion; used to make negatives or transparencies.
Make a film or photograph of something; 'take a scene'; 'shoot a movie'.
Record in film; 'The coronation was filmed'.
Single or multiple layers or coatings of thin or thick material used to form various elements or interconnections and crossovers Thin films are deposited by vacuum evaporation or sputtering and/or plating Thick films are deposited by screen printing.
Bit of soot fluttering on the grate.
Process specific photograph of the client artwork used to produce screens or plates.
Film, Kinofilm,filmband,filmstreifen, Streifen
Film (cinématographique),film-cinéma
Pellicule, feuille
- Zar bağlamak
- Filim
- Filim çevirmek, filim yapmak
- Filme çekmek, ince bir tabaka ile kaplamak, kaplamak (zar vb.), film çekmek
- Zar
- Ince örtü, ince tabaka
- Ince tel, lif
- Zar veya ince bir örtü ile kaplamak
- Yere veya döşeme üzerine serilen örtü
- Sofra bezi.
- Bir çözeltinin yüzeyinde ya da karışmayan iki sıvının ara yüzeyinde oluşan katman.
Häutschen, Schicht
film actor
- Film aktörü, bir sinema filminde rol alan kimse, sinema oyuncusu
film adaptation
- Uyarlama