fibrin ne demek?
- Kan ve lenf serumunda bulunan albüminli bir madde.
- Kanın pıhtılaşmasına yarayan albumin cinsinden bir madde.
- Pıhtı lifi
- Kanda pıhtılaşmadan sonra meydana gelen ve mide enzimleri ile kolayca sindirilebilen ve suda çözünmeyen bir madde.
- Kanın pıhtılaşması için gerekli, trombinin fibrinojen üzerine etkisi sonucu oluşan, sıvı ortamda erimeyen, mide enzimleriyle kolayca sindirilebilen, kanın pıhtılaşmasını sağlayan lifli, albümin cinsi bir protein.
- Kanın normal pıhtılaşması sırasında trombinin proteolitik etkisiyle fibrinojenden oluşturulan çözünmeyen bir protein.
- Bkz. fibrinoformasyon
White, albuminous, fibrous substance, formed in the coagulation of the blood either by decomposition of fibrinogen, or from the union of fibrinogen and paraglobulin which exist separately in the blood.
It is insoluble in water, but is readily digestible in gastric and pancreatic juice.
The white, albuminous mass remaining after washing lean beef or other meat with water until all coloring matter is removed; the fibrous portion of the muscle tissue; flesh fibrin.
An elastic filamentous protein in the blood that cannot be dissolved and which forms clots along with platelets.
An insoluble protein.
Clot forming protein these clots often remain suspended in the serum and cause problems within sampling.
The substance that in combination with blood cells forms a blood clot.
An albuminous body, resembling animal fibrin in composition, found in cereal grains and similar seeds; vegetable fibrin.
White insoluble fibrous protein formed by the action of thrombin on fibrinogen when blood clots; it forms a network that traps red cells and platelets.
White, insoluble protein formed by the chemical fibrinogen to form blood clots.
An insoluble protein that forms the necessary fibrous network in the coagulation of blood.
Tough, sticky protein threads that form during coagulation to bind and strengthen the platelet plug.
Substance in the blood that combines with blood cells and platelets to form a chemically stable clot at the site of bleeding.
Natural body protein that is deposited on injured tissues, contributes to the stoppage of bleeding, and aids in tissue repair by forming a matrix for migrating fibroblasts and the formation of collagenous tissue The removal of this matrix is necessary to re-establish preoperative conditions Excess fibrin deposition can lead to adhesion formation.
- Fibrin, lifli protein
- Biyokim
Fibra: şerit
- Fibrinojenin, trombinin etkisiyle fibrine dönüşmesi.
fibrin dayanaklaştırıcı faktör
- Faktör XIII.
Fibrin-stabilizing factor, FSF.
- Kanda fibrin oranının fazla olması durumu.