fes ne demek?
- Şapka yerine kullanılan, kırmızı, kalın çuhadan yapılmış, tepesinde püskülü olan, silindir biçiminde başlık.
- Fas kentinde yapılmış olup buradan yayılan, kırmızı renkte keçeden bir başlık.
- İki yüzlü balta. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: fe's)
Fine Error Signal.
Fixed End System The non-mobile communication system that handles OSI transport and higher layers of CDPD transmission.
Factor Evaluation System.
Fluent English Speaker.
Fine Error Sensor.
Folder Error Summary A list of errors made during the auditing of an individual, as well as an appraisal of the individual's progress Frequently used as a verb, meaning 'to examine a case folder and note the errors found.
Fixed earth station.
Final Environmental Impact Statement.
Final environmental statement.
Fusion Energy Sciences One of the five DOE Offices of Science See the FES web pages.
Building, a construct, a creation, to build, to construct, to create, to make.
City in north central Morocco; religious center.
fes ibiği
- Fesin tepesinde bulunan ve ucuna püskül takılan ibik.
- Fes püskülü.
fes rengi
- Koyu kırmızı renk.
- Bu renkte olan.