extract mi ne demek?
- Ayıkla_Mi
extract all
- Tümünü ayıkla
extract data
- Veri ayıkla
- Mı / mi.
- Gam dizisinde re ile fa arasındaki ses ve bu sesi gösteren nota işareti.
In solmization, the third degree of the major scale.
Myocardial infarction.
The blade of a knife or sword.
Common type is PMI , the insurance paid for by the borrower to insure the mortgage company's investment.
Michel Postage Stamp Catalog [abbr.
Mills College, Oakland.
Mentally Impaired Children who are delayed in their mental development.
Marching Illini.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
extract allextract dataextract fileextract instructionextract of accountextractextracapsularextracapsular extractionextracellularextracellular digestionextracellular fluidextract of beefextract of cadastral entryextract toextractantmimi notasımiamia farrowmia i rakıkmiadmiaımiai avermiai galizmiai isnaaşermM bandım cetvelim crewM CSF