excuse me this is not your berth ne demek?
- Pardon bu sizin ranzaniz degil
excuse me this is not your compartment
- Pardon bu sizin kompartimaniniz degil.
excuse me this is not your seat
- Pardon bu sizin koltugunuz degil.
- Türk alfabesinin on altıncı harfinin adı, okunuşu.
- Koyun, kuzu vb. hayvanların çıkardığı ses
- Metabolik enerji.
- Rules of divine authority which the gods use to ensure the universe functions.
- Mine.
- Methyl.
- Me is a constant that can be used to refer to the first hero in your party in any command that takes a hero number as an argument.
- Middle English.
- Pron: me.
- Mean error.
- Bu kadar, böyle
- Bu
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
excuse me this is not your compartmentexcuse me this is not your seatexcuseexcuse fromexcuse meexcuse me a momentexcuse me.excuse o.s.excusedexcused absenceexcusableexcusable homicideexcusable neglectexcusablenessexcusalmeme çizgiME oranıme to drugme toomeabmeabidmeadmeadibmeadinmM bandım cetvelim crewM CSF