exchange broker ne demek?
- Borsa simsarı, döviz alıp satan kimse
exchange blows
- Yumruklaşmak
exchange buffering
- Degis tokus tamponu
- Ticarette aracı, komisyoncu
- Tefeci
- Tellal
- Bk. borsa simsarı
- Act as a broker or middleman; buy and sell property for others.
- Simsar
- Komisyoncu
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
exchange blowsexchange bufferingexchange aliasexchange areaexchange commissionaryexchangeexchange controlexchange countervailing dutiesexchange dealerexchange declaration recordbrokerbrokeragebrokerage firmbrokeredbrokebroke to the widebrokenbroken accountbroken bitbrokagebrokarbro7nchopneumoniabroachbroach filebroacherbroaching