evolutionary phenogenetic engineering ne demek?
- Epe
- Delici kılıç.
- Bu kılıç kullanılarak oynanan bir tür kılıç oyunu.
Estimated Position Error The term used by Airbus Industries as a measure of the current estimated navigational performance Also referred to as Actual Navigation Performance or Estimated Position Uncertainty Note: The RTCA DO-236 Term is Estimated Position Uncertainty or EPU.
Evolutionary phenogenetic engineering.
Electronic Plan Examination - the comparison of new with old survey information utilising specially developed computer software and an electronic survey accurate plan database.
Extended period of eligibility.
European Partners for the Environment.
Curse causing total malfunctioning.
- Gelişme ile ilgili
- Evrimle ilgili
- Evrimsel
evolutionary ethics
- Evrimci etik
- Istihkam hizmeti
- Mühendislik