esperanto dili ne demek?
- Polonyalı doktor L. Zamenhof tarafından bütün milletlerce kullanılmak için 1887'de hazırlanmış, dil bilgisi on altı kurala dayanan, kolay bir yapma dil.
The spelling is phonetic, and the accent is always on the penult.
An artificial language based as far as possible on words common to all the European languages.
The Alternative Esperanto Dictionary Esperanto-German-Esperanto Esperanto - German On-line Dictionary Features a translator of words from Esperanto to German French - Esperanto On-line Dictionary.
An artificial language, intended to be universal, devised by Dr.
Zamenhof, a Russian, who adopted the pseudonym 'Dr.
Esperanto' in publishing his first pamphlet regarding it in 1887.
The vocabulary is very largely based upon words common to the chief European languages, and sounds peculiar to any one language are eliminated.
Language created by Ludwig Zamenhof in 1887 The foundation blocks are: The alphabet consists of 28 letters, each of which has one sound Six standard accented letters exist: c, g, h, j, s, u Stress falls on the penultimate syllable of each word Verbs do not decline for number of person Number or person are indicated by accompanying pronouns Verb endings indicate function or tense Nouns end in -o Adverbs end in -e Adjectives end in -a Suffixes are attached to root words only.
- Esperanto yanlısı.
- İki, çift.
- Önek iki defa, iki, çift.