erythrocyte sedimentation rate ne demek?
- Sedimentasyon
- Eritrosit sedimentasyon hızı
- Bir sıvının içerdiği maddelerin dibe çökmesi olayı.
- Alyuvar çökme hızı.
- Tortu oluşması, çökelme.
- Sedimentation.
- Alyuvar
- Bkz. eritrosit
erythrocyte aplasia
- Alyuvar aplazisi
- Bkz. sedimantasyon
- Tortulaşma
- Tortu birikimi
- Çökelme
- Büyük fare.
- Yaşlı, verimsiz, geçimsiz (kimse)
- Başarısız.
- To chide with vehemence; to scold; to censure violently.
- Established portion or measure; fixed allowance.
- That which is established as a measure or criterion; degree; standard; rank; proportion; ratio; as, a slow rate of movement; rate of interest is the ratio of the interest to the principal, per annum.
- Valuation; price fixed with relation to a standard; cost; charge; as, high or low rates of transportation.
- Order; arrangement.
- Ratification; approval.
- The gain or loss of a timepiece in a unit of time; as, daily rate; hourly rate; etc.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
erythrocyteerythrocyte aplasiaerythrocyte diluting pipetteerythrocyte osmotic fragilityerythrocyte pipetteerythrocyteserythrocyanosiserythrocupreinerythroerythroblasterythroblastemiaerythroblastomaerythroblastosissedimentationsedimentation coefficientsedimentation pipettesedimentation ratesedimentation tanksedimentarysedimentary montlesedimentary rocksedimentary rockssedimentasyon