en ne demek?
- Bir yüzeyde boy sayılan iki kenar arasındaki uzaklık, genişlik, boy, uzunluk karşıtı.
- Hayvanlara veya eşyaya vurulan damga, işaret.
- Başına geldiği sıfatların üstün derecede olduğunu gösteren kelime
Avucumu yumduğum zaman ailemin en kuvvetli erkekleri bile parmaklarımı açamazlardı.
R. N. Güntekin - Bir filmin iki kenar arasında kalan, filmlerin çeşitlerine göre değişen ve filmlerin boylarını belirleyen uzunluğu.
- Erime noktasının kısaltılmış şekli.
- Hlk. Hayvanların kulaklarına vurulan damga.
- Bk. genişlik
This must not be confused with -en corresponding in Old English to the AS.
Infinitive ending -an.
See Em.
An en is a typographers unit of measurement that is proportioned to the width of a capital letter 'N ' It will vary from font to font and will also vary with the point size of the font.
[in composition] one half of the width of an em.
European Norm.
The letter 'N' NU - a Greek letter XU - monetary unit of Vietnam.
Traversal after arrival, no traversal after traversal from an anchor of the same link.
Prefix signifying in or into, used in many English words, chiefly those borrowed from the French.
Some English words are written indifferently with en-or in-.
For ease of pronunciation it is commonly changed to em-before p, b, and m, as in employ, embody, emmew.
It is sometimes used to give a causal force, as in enable, enfeeble, to cause to be, or to make, able, or feeble; and sometimes merely gives an intensive force, as in enchasten.
See In-.
In some cases, such as children and brethren, it has been added to older plural forms.
Suffix signifying to make, to cause, used to form verbs from nouns and adjectives; as in strengthen, quicken, frighten.
An adjectival suffix, meaning made of; as in golden, leaden, wooden.
The termination of the past participle of many strong verbs; as, in broken, gotten, trodden.
Half an em, that is, half of the unit of space in measuring printed matter.
Half the width of an em.
Short form for en-quad, half the width of an em.
Measurement of linear space used by typographers; half the width of an em.
Fixed space equal to one-half the width of an em.
Unit of measurement equal to half of one em Also: en space, en quad, en rule, en leader.
Half an em.
One-half the width of an em.
End Node APPN end system that implements the PU 2 1, provides end-user services, and supports sessions between local and remote CPs ENs are not capable of routing traffic and rely on an adjacent NN for APPN services Compare with NN See also CP.
Unit of measurement equal to half of one em.
European Norms.
Measure of space equal to one-half of an em space in the same point size and typeface.
European Normes or standards, which are gradually harmonising with and superseding British Standards.
English Nature.
One-half of an em.
Melting point.
The very.
Suffix from AS.
An, formerly used to form the plural of many nouns, as in ashen, eyen, oxen, all except oxen.
Suffix corresponding to AS.
-en and -on, formerly used to form the plural of verbs, as in housen, escapen.
Breite, Filmbreite
- Kelimeleri sıfat, fiil, isim yapan ek.
- E, içine (çok defa şiddet ifade eder).
- Harfi
- Matb
- Yarım kadrat (yazı)
en 29000 standartlar serisi
- Bk. Avrupa Standartları 29000 Serisi
en 45001 standardı
- Bk. Avrupa Standardı 45001