employer deduction ne demek?
- Çalışan kesintisi
- İşçi kesintisi
- Bir işverenin vergilendirildiği ve vergi birimlerine aktarıldığı para miktarı
- Bir iş kolunda, bir kurumda görevli olan kimse.
Working, laboring, labouring [Brit.], active.
- Patron
- İstihdam eden
- Çalıştıran
- İşveren
employer payroll taxes and insurance contributions
- İşverenin ücret vergisi ve sosyal sigorta primleri
- Çıkarma, sonuç
- Kesinti, indirim
- Tenzilat
- Çıkarılan miktar
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
employeremployer payroll taxes and insurance contributionsemployer provisionsemployer responsibilityemployers associationemployers incentiveemployers liabilityemployers liability insuranceemployers taxemployers unionemployeemploye statusemployedemployed meansemployeedeductiondeduction at sourcededuction for a counterclaimdeduction for newdeduction for taxdeduction from incomededuction in advancededuction methoddeduction of tax at sourcededuction ruledeductideductibilitydeductibledeductible temporary differencedeductibles