editorial writer ne demek?
- Başyazar
- Bir gazete veya derginin başyazılarını yazan kimse, başmuharrir, sermuharrir
Editorial writer.
editorial board
- Editörler grubu, yayın kurulu
editorial office
- Yazı işleri
- Hattat
- Haber yazan
- Redaktör
- Müellif, muharrir
- Yazar, yazan
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
editorial boardeditorial officeeditorial roomeditorial staffeditorial staff meetingeditorialeditorialiseeditorialisereditorialisteditorializationeditoreditor in chiefeditor nameeditobjectwriterwriter of a qasidawriter of feature articleswriter to the signetwriters namewritershipwritewrite a computer programwrite accesswrite backwrite copywritwrit of attachmentwrit of capiaswrit of certiorariwrit of election