edip ne demek?
Kökeni: Arapça
- Edebiyatla uğraşan, edebi eser veren kimse, yazar.
Pek az hoşlandıklarım muhabirler, ediplerdir.
F. R. Atay - Edepli terbiyeli, edebiyatla ilgilenen kişi.
- Terbiyeli, saygılı, nazik kimse.
- Edebiyatla uğraşan kimse
- Man of letters.
- Literary man.
- Writer.
- Kişinin kendini cezalandırmak amacıyla gözlerini kör etmesi.
- Oedipism.
- İş yapma.
- Yapılan iş.
- Birbiriyle iyi anlaşan iki yaşlının baş başa kalışını anlatan Edi ile Büdü, Şakire Dudu deyiminde geçen bir söz.
- Küçük ve şerir (adam).
- Electronic Data Interchange, Contact between companies exchanging orders via intra- or internet A standard for that is EDIFACT This can be more secure using internet-tunneling, i e two partners use connections that can not be accessed by anybody else.
- This is a set of computer interchange standards for business documents such as invoices, bills, and purchase orders.
- Electronic Data Interchange is a subset of Electronic Commerce It is a set of standardized electronic business documents, which are exchanged in agreed upon formats The two largest EDI standards are ANSI X12 and EDIFACT.
- The exchange of information through the use of an electronic messaging system.
- Standard format for exchanging CAD data In e-commerce, a standard format that trading partners use to exchange business information.
- Electronic Data Interchange Exchange of business data through computers between trading partners.