dyestuffs ne demek?
- Boyar madde
- Tuna bölgesinde, Transilvanya'da, Rusya'da soylulara verilen unvan.
- Çarlık Rusyası`nda yüksek soylulara verilen ad.
- Boyama özelliği olan madde, boyar madde
- Tuna boyu, Erdel ve özellikle Rusya'da soylulara verilen ad.
- Eskiden Tuna bölgesinde, Transilvanya'da ve Rusya'da soylulardan olan kimselere verilen unvan.
Member of a Russian aristocratic order abolished by Peter the Great.
Also, one of a privileged class in Roumania.
Minor human noble; equivalent of a baron.
Ussuran noble.
Member of the upper stratum of medieval Russian society and state administration Boyars were generally drawn from about 200 families, descended from former princes, old Moscow boyar families and foreign aristocrats; and they participated in a boyar council that helped the czar direct the internal and foreign affairs of state Conferred by the ruler upon individuals It was abolished by Peter the Great.
- Boya maddesi.
- Boya, boya maddesi, boyarözdek
dyestuff fr. colorant
- Bk. boyarözdek