during summer ne demek?

  1. Yazın


  1. Yaz mevsiminde, yaz aylarında
  2. Edebiyat.
  3. (en)In the summer.
  4. (en)In summer.
  5. (en)Literature.
  6. (en)Letters.
  7. (en)Literature edebiyat.
  8. (en)During summer.
  9. (en)In the summertime.
  10. (en)Belles lettres.

during good behavior

  1. Yaşam boyu, ömür boyu

during his natural life

  1. Ömür boyunca


  1. Yaz, yaz mevsimi
  2. Yazı geçirmek
  3. Yaz esnasında bakmak veya beslemek
  4. Yazlık

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

during good behaviorduring his natural lifeduring the dayduring the nightduring the previousduringduring the slide showduring the winterdurinduriandurdur bakayımdur bindur durakdur durak yoksummersummer summertreesummer and winter alikesummer campsummer camping groundsummer clothessummer clothingsummer cottagesummer dresssummer eczemasummedsummsummable functionsummacum laudesummakisummand
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