dua ne demek?
- Tanrı'ya yalvarma, yakarış için söylenen dinî metin
- Yakarış.
Pazartesi, perşembe geceleri yatağında gizli gizli Arapça dua okurdu.
A. Gündüz - Kişinin Allah'ın yüce kudreti karşısında aczinin bilincine varıp engin bir sevgi ve saygı içinde O'na yalvarması, O'ndan yardım dilemesi.
- Bk. dinsel dilek
- Bk. doku uyuşurluk antijenleri
- Bk. yakarı
- Allah'a (C.C.) karşı rağbet, niyaz, yalvarış, tazarru.
Disaster Unemployment Assistance - Section 407 of the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 created a program for the payment of unemployment assistance to individuals whose unemployment is the direct result of a major disaster as declared by the President of the United States.
Disaster Unemployment Assistance - Section 407 of the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 created a program for the payment of unemployment assistance to unemployed individuals whose unemployment is the direct result of a major disaster as declared by the President of the United States.
Directory User Agent The software that accesses the X 500 Directory Service on behalf of the directory user The directory user may be a person or another software element.
Directory User Agents, when users wish to access a directory, they use directory user agents These agents directly represent the users in accessing the information stored in the Directory.
Directory User Agent The software that accesses the X 500 Directory Service on behalf of the directory user The directory user may be a person or another software element See RFC1208.
Directory User Agent.
Disaster Unemployment Assistance.
Supplication to Allah.
Prayer or supplication.
Prayer or invocation.
Agency A relationship in which a real estate agent or broker represents both parties in a transaction.
Directory User Agent Specified in the X 500 specification.
dinsel dilek
- Yağlı güreşlerde ve karakucakta güreşlere başlamadan önce cazgırın okuduğu geleneksel dua.
dua cümleleri
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