dried bread ne demek?
- Galeta
- Fırında iyice pişirilerek kurutulan çeşitli biçimde unlu yiyecek.
Hard biscuit.
Dried bread.
Small dry bread.
Bread stick.
Crisp unsweeetened biscuit.
Hard- tack.
dried bakery products
- Kurutulmuş fırıncılık ürünleri
dried barley malt roots
- Kurutulmuş arpa malt kökçükleri
- Yiyecek
- Ekmek
- Maişet, geçim
- (argo) para
- (breadbasket) ekmek sepeti
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
dried bakery productsdried barley malt rootsdried beet molassesdried beetpulp productdried apricotdried apricotsdrieddried citrus pulpdried coddried corn syrupdribdribbledribble downdribble the balldribble tobreadbread and butterbread and butter letterbread and scrapebread and winebread baked in a panbread basketbread binbread boardbread boxbreachbreach of closebreach of confidencebreach of contractbreach of covenant