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- Yükle ve çalıştır
[yüklemek] ascribe, burden, charge, embark, encumber, fasten, fasten on, father, foist, freight, hand over, heap, impose, impute, inflict, lade, lay, lay on, load, offload, overlay, pitch, plant, put, put down, saddle, shift, stack, store, weight, pin.
download and open
- Yükle ve aç
download as
- Farklı yükle
- Yemin içmek, yemin etmek.
- (İngilizce) ve, ile, de
- (bağlaç) ve, de, ile
- III-XIII. yüzyıllarda İngiliz İskandinav dillerinde kullanılan alfabenin harflerinin her biri.
- Göktürk yazıtlarında kullanılan yazı türünün harflerinden her biri.
- Koşmak
- Gidip gelmek (arasında)
- Talep, rağbet
To go swiftly; to pass at a swift pace; to hasten.
To flee, as from fear or danger.
To steal off; to depart secretly.
To contend in a race; hence, to enter into a contest; to become a candidate; as, to run for Congress.
To pass from one state or condition to another; to come into a certain condition; often with in or into; as, to run into evil practices; to run in debt.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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