dormant partner ne demek?
- Ortak, komanditer
dormant balance
- Ölü hesapta yatan para
dormant capital
- Ölü sermaye, atıl kapital
- Eş.
- İş arkadaşı, ortak.
- Cinsellikte tarafların her biri.
- Kâğıt oyunlarında ortak.
An associate in any business or occupation; a member of a partnership.
See Partnership.
Framework of heavy timber surrounding an opening in a deck, to strengthen it for the support of a mast, pump, capstan, or the like.
Business associate who shares equity in a firm.
An organization or individual with which/whom the Agency collaborates to achieve mutually agreed upon objectives and to secure participation of ultimate customers Partners include host country governments, private voluntary organizations, indigenous and international non-governmental organizations , universities, other U S Government agencies, United Nations and other multilateral organizations, professional and business associations, and private businesses and individuals.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
dormant balancedormant capitaldormant claimdormant executiondormant judgmentdormantdormant statedormant titledormancydormansidormdorm roomdordor düzenidor lehçesidor makamıdor tapınağıpartnerpartner farepartner hotelpartner in crimepartnershippartnership agreementpartnership certificatepartnership firmpartnership in commendampartnership open companypartpart acceptancepart and parcelpart charterpart company