don ne demek?
- Giysi.
- Vücudun belden aşağısına giyilen uzun veya kısa iç giysisi, külot.
- Hava sıcaklığının sıfırdan aşağı düşmesiyle suların buz tutması.
- At kılının rengi.
- Hava sıcaklığının sıfır dereceden aşağı düşmesiyle suyun katı duruma geçmesi olayı.
- Atların vücut örtüsü rengi.
Glazed frost.
To put on; to dress in; to invest one's self with.
European river in southwestern Russia; flows into the Sea of Azov Celtic goddess; mother of Gwydion and Arianrhod; corresponds to Irish Danu a Spanish title of respect for a gentleman or nobleman the head of an organized crime family.
Spanish title of respect for a gentleman or nobleman.
Teacher at a university of college.
The head of an organized crime family.
Celtic goddess; mother of Gwydion and Arianrhod; corresponds to Irish Danu.
European river in southwestern Russia; flows into the Sea of Azo put clothing on one's body; 'What should I wear today?'; 'He put on his best suit for the wedding'; 'The princess donned a long blue dress'; 'The queen assumed the stately robes'; 'He got into his jeans'.
Director of Nursing.
Underwear with a variety of different fly cuts, extending to the knees or ankles Those which extend to the knees, the part from the bottom edges to the hips is ornemanted either by thick borders or sprinkled motifs Beside these, there are other types in which only the bottom edge the sides are ornamented.
Sir; Mr; Signior; a title in Spain, formerly given to noblemen and gentlemen only, but now common to all classes.
Grand personage, or one making pretension to consequence; especially, the head of a college, or one of the fellows at the English universities.
City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.
Horse coat colours.
An Oxford academic See also Fellow.
Sound effect that is used most often in this series Usually, this sound effect is used when someone is being shoved from the back, cannons are being fired, or doors are being pounded upon, but in One Piece, it is used more as a fanfare to something the author wants to point out or emphasize.
- (ned, ning) giymek, giyinmek.
- Bay'' anlamına gelen ispanyolca bir söz
- Ispanya'nın ileri gelenlerinden, Don
- Dili üniversite öğretmeni.
- Giymek, giydirmek
don çatlağı
- Fazla soğuk yüzünden gövdenin köke yakın bölümlerinde oluşan, bazen öze ulaşan çatlak.
- Bk. don çatlağı
Fente de gelée
don çözülmek
- Hava ısınarak buzlar erimeye başlamak.
To thaw.