distance from edge ne demek?

  1. Kenardan uzaklık

distance from bullet to text

  1. Madde ıminden metne uzaklık

distance from indent to text

  1. Girintiden metne uzaklık


  1. Edat den, dan, den dolayı
  2. Den, den beri, dan, beri, itibaren, yüzünden, dolayı


  1. Yavaş yavaş sokulmak
  2. Kenar yapmak
  3. Yavaş yavaş ilerletmek
  4. Yan yan gitmek, sokulmak
  5. Kenar, ağız
  6. Ayrıt
  7. Keskinlik
  8. Sınır, hudut
  9. Avantaj, üstünlük
  10. Yanaşmak, yaklaşmak

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

distance from bullet to textdistance from indent to textdistance from number to textdistance from textdistancedistance between lapsdistance between linesdistance between pointsdistance between two thingsdistance educationdistan cepdistanazidistaddistaffdistaff sidedistaksidistalfromfrom a childfrom a distancefrom a reliable sourcefrom a to izzardfrom a triflefrom abovefrom abroadfrom addressfrom afarfrofrockfrock coatfrockcoatfroe
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