directed graph ne demek?
- Yönlendirilmiş çizge
directed by
- Yöneten
directed interest rate
- Güdümlü faiz oranı
- Grafik
- Rakamları eğrilerle ifade eden sistem
- Grafik kağıt üzerine çizilen eğri
- Diyagram, çizelge, eğri, işaret
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
directed bydirected interest ratedirected interviewdirected learningdirected linedirecteddirected setdirected towardsdirected valencedirecte dimension of superstitiondirectdirect 3ddirect accessdirect access devicesdirect access processinggraphgraph areagraph colors followgraph kuramigraph of a networkgraph optionsgraph papergraph paper.graph theorygraph titlegrapegrape arborgrape berry mothgrape curegrape family