diminuendo ne demek?

  1. Müzik parçasının başında ">" işaretiyle gösterilen nota terimi.
  2. Sesi gittikçe azaltarak.
  3. (en)To render dim, obscure, or dark; to make less bright or distinct; to take away the luster of; to darken; to dull; to obscure; to eclipse.
  4. (en)To deprive of distinct vision; to hinder from seeing clearly, either by dazzling or clouding the eyes; to darken thesenses or understanding of.
  5. (en)To grow dim.
  6. (en)Bower; a dingle.
  7. (en)Silver coin of the United States, of the value of ten cents; the tenth of a dollar.
  8. (en)Measure in a single line, as length, breadth, height, thickness, or circumference; extension; measurement; us.
  9. (en)Gradually growing softer.
  10. (en)In music, a gradual decrease in volume.
  11. (en)Gradually becoming softer.
  12. (en)Gradually getting softer.
  13. (en)An instruction to a player of an instrument, meaning 'becoming gradually softer'.
  14. (en)It : play gradually softer.
  15. (en)Gradually getting softer Abreviated: dim.
  16. (en)Dim Play to diminish.
  17. (en)Getting progressively softer Means the same as decrescendo.
  18. (en)Dynamic marking meaning 'gradually getting softer.
  19. (en)[deh-meen-yoo-ehn-doh] 'Diminishing ' Indicates a gradual decrease in volume Synonymous with decrescendo May be indicated by a symbol called a 'hairpin' or abbreviated as 'dim.
  20. (en)Gradual degrease in loudness, like the decrescendo.
  21. (en)Gradual decrease in loudness.
  22. (en)Gradually decreasing in volume.
  23. Diminuendo, ses gittikçe hafifleyerek
  24. Sesin gittikçe hafiflemesi.
  25. Ses gittikçe hafifleyerek, diminuendo


  1. Azalt


  1. Eksiltme, küçültme
  2. Azalma, alçalma
  3. İnme, incelme
  4. Düşme
  5. Noksan, eksiklik
  6. Eksilme

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

diminutediminutiondiminutivaldiminutivediminutive suffix
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