development charges ne demek?
- Iyileştirme
- İyileştirmek işi, ıslah.
- Amelioration.
- To curing.
- Correcting.
- Improving.
- Treatment.
- Cure.
- Healing.
- Betterment.
- Bonification.
development corporation
- Bayındırım ortaklığı
development cost
- Geliştirme maliyetleri
- Harcama
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
development corporationdevelopment costdevelopment creditdevelopment and investment bankingdevelopment areadevelopment area adevelopment bankdevelopment bankingdevelopmentdevelopment economicsdevelopmandevelopman banyosudevelopman küvetidevelopman makinesidevelopman müddetichargescharges for postal servicecharges forwardcharges functioncharges prepaidchargecharge a batterycharge a feecharge accountcharge amplifiercharchar a bancchar a banc charabancchar colorchar left