desired operating value ne demek?
- Nominal
- Ad belirtilerek yapılan.
- Itibari
- Bk. başabaştan aşağı
Of or pertaining to a name or names; having to do with the literal meaning of a word; verbal; as, a nominal definition.
Existing in name only; not real; as, a nominal difference.
Verb formed from a noun.
In name only Differences in compounding cause the nominal rate to differ from the effective interest rate Inflation causes the purchasing power of money to differ from one time to another.
The exact intended value for a specified parameter Tolerances are specified as positive and negative deviations from this value.
Denoting the standard or ideal values of the parameters specified for the elements that make up bar code symbol characters.
- İstemek, arzulamak
- Dilemek
- İmrenmek
- Rica etmek, yalvarmak
- İstenen, sevilen, özlenen
- Arzu etmek
- Arzu edilen
desired access rights
- Istenilen erişim hakları
- İşletme, ameliyat
- Çalıştırma, kullanma
- Keşide etmek
- Değer vermek
- Değerini bilmek
- Önem vermek
- Kıymet
- Değer
- İtibar, önem, ehemmiyet
- Gerçek değer, hakiki kıymet
- Kesin anlam
- Değer biçmek, paha biçmek
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
desireddesired access rightsdesired valuedesiredesire for fooddesire for vegenancedesire longinglydesire or lustdesirabilitydesirabledesirable neighborhooddesirablenessdesirablydesidesi arnazdesiadesibeldesibel dboperatingoperating a hoteloperating a pensionoperating a shadow showoperating a steamship lineoperating a teahouseoperating accountoperating activitiesoperating assetoperating assetsoperaticoperaticallyoperaticsoperatifoperatif şok