delivery cart ne demek?

  1. Pikap


  1. Küçük kamyon, kamyonet
  2. Elektrikle veya pille çalışan, plak dinlemekte kullanılan araç.
  3. Bk. plakçalar
  4. (en)Phonograph.
  5. (en)Grammophone.
  6. (en)Delivery car.
  7. (en)Delivery cart.
  8. (en)Gramophone.
  9. (en)Gramophone pickup.
  10. (en)Photograph pick up.

delivery car

  1. Pikap

delivery canal

  1. Akış kanalı


  1. Sert bir şey yırtılırken çıkan ses.
  2. (en)Common name for various kinds of vehicles, as a Scythian dwelling on wheels, or a chariot.
  3. (en)Two-wheeled vehicle for the ordinary purposes of husbandry, or for transporting bulky and heavy articles.
  4. (en)Light business wagon used by bakers, grocerymen, butchers, etc.
  5. (en)An open two-wheeled pleasure carriage.
  6. (en)To carry or convey in a cart.
  7. (en)To expose in a cart by way of punishment.
  8. (en)Classification and Regression Trees A type of decision tree algorithm that automates the pruning process through cross validation and other techniques.
  9. (en)Computer-Assisted Realtime is real-time captioning shown on a screen projector for live events such as meetings.
  10. (en)The Swiss valet Prince Albert brought with him from Coburg, who had been in his service since the prince was a child.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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