damper ne demek?
- Bir şasinin üzerine takılmış, inip kalkan kasası olan, kendinden hareketli, yükü boşaltan düzen.
- Bk. hava kapağı
Tipping body.
Dump body.
That which damps or checks; as: A valve or movable plate in the flue or other part of a stove, furnace, etc., used to check or regulate the draught of air.
Contrivance, as in a pianoforte, to deaden vibrations; or, as in other pieces of mechanism, to check some action at a particular time.
Depressing restraint; 'rain put a damper on our picnic plans' a device that decreases the amplitude of electronic, mechanical, acoustical, or aerodynamic oscillations a movable iron plate that regulates the draft in a stove or chimney or furnace.
Movable iron plate that regulates the draft in a stove or chimney or furnace.
Device that decreases the amplitude of electronic, mechanical, acoustical, or aerodynamic oscillations.
Depressing restraint; 'rain put a damper on our picnic plans'.
Venting device in fireplaces used to control combustion, prevent heat loss, and redirect downdrafts.
Device used to damp out coherent transverse beam oscillations.
Mechanical device in HVAC systems that varies airflow through an air outlet, inlet, or duct.
Dumping mechanism of a truck.
Movable plate that controls airflow through a ductwork system Dampers are used to direct air to the areas of the home that need it most.
Bladed device used to vary the volume of air passing through the air outlet, air inlet or duct These are used to regulate airflow to certain rooms.
Device that is located in ductwork to adjust air flow There are basically two types of dampers: manual and motorized A manual damper generally consists of a sheet metal flap, shaped to fit the inside of a round or rectangular duct By rotating a handle located outside of the duct, a technician can adjust air flow to match the needs of a particular area or room A motorized damper is generally used in a zoned system to automatically deliver conditioned air to specific rooms or zones.
Device that is located in ductwork to adjust airflow This movable plate opens and closes to control airflow.
Found in ductwork, this movable plate opens and closes to control airflow Dampers can be used to balance airflow in a duct system They are also used in zoning to regulate airflow to certain rooms.
Located in the ductwork, this regulates airflow Effective in controlling airflow for zoning.
Normally a piece of felt, action cloth, or leather mounted to a jack which damps the string when the key is released Occasionally the overhead dampers of the sort found in grand pianos are used.
Part of the suspension connected to the bottom of the cone at the voice coil that centers the voice coil in the air gap It is sometimes referred to as the spider.
An adjustable gate installed in a duct for the purpose of regulating airflow or introducing outside air to the ducting system.
Type of 'valve' used in ductwork that opens or closes to control airflow Used in zoning to control the amount of warm or cold air entering certain areas of your home.
Adheres or is sprayed onto relatively thin metal panels so as to extract energy when panels flex Lowers 'Q' of each panel mode Goal: to reduce air low -induced vibration and radiated noise.
The mechanical device that regulates the flow of air up a chimney or in an air vent.
Found in duct work, this movable plate opens and closes to control airflow Dampers are used effectively in zoning to regulate airflow to certain rooms.
Movable plate in a fireplace that allows smoke and fumes to travel up the chimney's flue.
Movable plate or valve in the flue, for controlling the draft.
Crude device - usually a refractory clay brick - used to block the flue of a kiln.
Device for controlling air flow.
Device that is located in ductwork to adjust air flow.
Valve for controlling airflow When ordering registers, make sure each supply outlet has a damper so the air flow can be adjusted and turned off Dampers maybe either manually or automatically operated Automatic dampers are required for exhaust air ducts.
Found in ductwork, this moveable plate opens and closes to control airflow It is also used in zoning to regulate airflow to certain rooms.
The mechanically adjusted mechanism located at the discharge end of a ventilating system located in the ceiling or floor The damper adjustor will regulate the volume of air being discharged.
Damper - A part of an air conditioning system that can be opened or closed to allow more or less air to pass.
- Soba borusu anahtarı, sürgü, kapak
- Sindirici, pedal
- Çalgının sesini kesmeye mahsus bir çeşit yastık
- Ses titreşimini veya elektronik sinyalleri azaltan araç.
- Üzen kişi, üzen şey; titreşim azaltan parça; amortisör
hava kapağı
- Bir kanaldan geçen havanın niceliğini ayarlayan kapak.
- Bir kanaldan geçen hava miktarını ayarlayan kapak.
damper block
- Perde makarasi
damper in a flue
- Kelebek