cutting corners ne demek?
- Kestirmeden gitme.
- En kısa yoldan, en kısa bir biçimde.
[kestirme] shortcut, catnap, inkling, lay down, lie down, nap, fourty winks, zizz.
cutting cylinder
- Kesme silindiri
cutting age
- Kesim yasi
- Köşeler.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
cutting cylindercutting agecutting and editingcutting anglecutting diecuttingcutting downcutting edgecutting fluidcutting forcecuttimecuttcutt offcuttablecuttercutter ad tablosucornerscorners of crystalcornerstonecornerstonescornercorner accentscorner artcorner beadcorner bead bracecorneacornea staphylomucornealcorneal abscesscorneal dermoidcorncorn aphidcorn beefcorn beltcorn borer