cop ne demek?
- Kalın, kısa değnek.
- Polislerin kullandığı genellikle lastikten yapılan sopa.
- Polis ve polis görevlisi askerlerin taşıdığı, kauçuktan yapılma sopa.
Finished cotton thread formed into a cylindrical package with conical ends.
Command observation post SACLOS SemiAutomatic Line Of Sight.
The top of a thing; the head; a crest.
Conical or conical-ended mass of coiled thread, yarn, or roving, wound upon a spindle, etc.
Tube or quill upon which silk is wound.
Same as Merlon.
Coefficient of Performance, COP, is the ratio of energy input to heating capacity This is the instantaneous measurement of the heating performance of your heat pump It is comparable to knowing how many miles per gallon of gasoline your car gets when it is going full speed You can find the COP on the nameplate of your heat pump.
Coefficient of Performance of a heat pump means the ratio of the rate of useful heat output delivered by the complete heat pump unit to the corresponding rate of energy input, in consistent units and under operating conditions.
Coefficient Of Performance compares the heating capacity of a heat pump to the amount of electricity required to operate the heat pump in the heating mode COPs vary with the outside temperature: as the temperature falls, the COP falls also, since the heat pump is less efficient at lower temperatures.
Coefficient Of Performance A ratio that compares a heat pump system's heating efficiency to that of electric resistance heat For example, a heat pump system with a COP of 3 0 provides heat at 3 times the efficiency of electric resistance heat A heat pump's system COP will decrease as outdoor temperatures drop, eventually providing little or no efficiency advantage over electric resistance heat - and that's when your auxiliary heat strips start to heat your home.
Coefficient Of Performance compares the heating capacity of a heat pump to the amount of electricity required to operate the heat pump in the heating mode COPs vary with the outside temperature: as the temperature falls, the COP falls also, since the heat pump is less efficient at lower temperatures ARI standards compare equipment at two temperatures, 47 F and 17 F, to give you an idea of the COP in both mild and colder temperatures.
The ratio of heating or cooling provided by a heat pump to the energy consumed by the system under designated operating conditions The higher the COP, the more efficient the system.
Conference of the Parties The supreme body of the UNFCCC, charged with the task of regularly reviewing implementation of the Convention and any related instruments, such as the Kyoto Protocol The COP meets annually.
The COP is the governing body of the CBD and advances implementation of the CBD through decisions it takes at its periodic meetings.
COP compares the heating capacity of a heat pump to the amount of electricity required to operate the heat pump in the heating mode.
Committee of Practitioners A federally mandated advisory body to state departments of education.
Unit of measurement for determining the energy efficiency of heating equipment It is determined by dividing the total heating provided by the system by the total electricity used to produce this heat A minimum of 3 0 COP is recommended.
Council of Presidents of actuarial professional organizations in North America.
Certificate of Permission.
- Polis.
- Konik iplik yumağı.
- (-ped, -ping) aşırmak
- Yakalamak
- Yakalamak; enselemek; çalmak; aşırmak
cop dyed
- Masurada boyanmis
cop ile vurmak