cooked food ne demek?

  1. Yemek.
  2. Muharrem ayında pişirilen aşure.
  3. (en)Food.
  4. (en)Soup.
  5. (en)Go beyond.
  6. (en)Cooked food.

cooked account

  1. Şişirilmiş hesap

cooked in milk

  1. Güllaç


  1. Yemek
  2. Yiyecek
  3. Gıda, besin
  4. (for animals) yem
  5. Yiyecekler

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

cooked accountcooked in milkcooked lightlycooked marinadecooked on a skewercookedcooked ricecooked to ordercookcook adalarıcook apert gallais sendromucook by bakingcook housecoocoo uzayıcooeefoodfood additivefood additivesfood allergenfood allergyfood allowancefood and agriculture organizationfood and beveragefood and beverages managerfood and drink
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