conventional obligation ne demek?

  1. Sözleşmeden doğan borç ya da yükümlülük


  1. Konvensiyonel
  2. Uzlaşımsal
  3. Alışılagelmiş
  4. Geleneksel
  5. Adetlere uygun, göreneksel
  6. Beylik, basmakalıp
  7. Atomik olmayan

conventional drive

  1. Konvansiyonel tahrik


  1. Yükümlülük
  2. Minnet borcu
  3. Minnet, zorunluluk
  4. Mecburiyet
  5. Senet, borç
  6. Farz, ödev, yüküm

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

conventionalconventional driveconventional equipmentconventional inflectionconventional intonationconventional keyboardconventional memoryconventional message trafficconventional signconventional systemconventionconvention merchandieses routierconvention on psychotropic substancesconvention roomconventicleobligationobligation inventionobligation of expectationobligation of licenceeobligation of returning homeobligation outstandingobligation to bearerobligation to buyobligation to contractobligation to markobligatingobligating eventobligatobligateobligate symbiontobligated
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