container file ne demek?
- Konteyner dosya
- Çeşitli eşyaları taşımak için uluslararası standartlara göre yapılmış büyük sandık.
- İçerisine sıvı azot konan ve taşınan, çift duvarlı, dar ağızlı, spermatozoon, ovum, canlı hücre ve dokuları saklamaya yarayan çelik kap.
container for gasoline
- Galon
container for kohl
- Sürmedan
- Yün, pamuk vb. ipliklerden düğümlerle oluşmuş ağ.
- Alışverişte öteberi taşımak için kullanılan, ilmeklerden oluşan ağ torba.
- Saçların dağılmaması için kullanılan ağ biçiminde örgü.
- Ağ.
An orderly succession; a line; a row A row of soldiers ranged one behind another; in contradistinction to rank, which designates a row of soldiers standing abreast; a number consisting the depth of a body of troops, which, in the ordinary modern formation, consists of two men, the battalion standing two deep, or in two ranks.
An orderly collection of papers, arranged in sequence or classified for preservation and reference; as, files of letters or of newspapers; this mail brings English files to the 15th instant.
The line, wire, or other contrivance, by which papers are put and kept in order.
Roll or list.
Course of thought; thread of narration.
To bring before a court or legislative body by presenting proper papers in a regular way; as, to file a petition or bill.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
container for gasolinecontainer for kohlcontainer mergecontainer transportationcontainercontainerfulcontainerizationcontainerizecontainershipcontainedcontained tocontaincontain oneselfcontain textcontain tocontainablefilefile a claimfile a complaintfile a petitionfile access data unitfile aclsfile alignmentfile allocation tablefile already openfile and print sharingfilfil ayaklılıkfil bitifil çomağıfil derisi hastalığı