constructive obligation ne demek?
- Zımni kabulden doğan yükümlülük
- İnşaat
- Yapıcı, müspet, olumlu
- Yapısal
- Hukuken varsayılan
constructive assent
- Zımni rıza
- Gizli rıza
- Yükümlülük
- Minnet borcu
- Minnet, zorunluluk
- Mecburiyet
- Senet, borç
- Farz, ödev, yüküm
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
constructiveconstructive assentconstructive authorityconstructive breachconstructive contractconstructive criticizmconstructive fraudconstructive interferenceconstructive possessionconstructive symbiosisconstructingconstructionconstruction companyconstruction contractconstruction foremanobligationobligation inventionobligation of expectationobligation of licenceeobligation of returning homeobligation outstandingobligation to bearerobligation to buyobligation to contractobligation to markobligatingobligating eventobligatobligateobligate symbiontobligated