consistent sentence ne demek?
- Dizimsel tutarlı önerme
consistent set of sentences
- Dizimsel tutarlı önerme kümesi
consistent system
- Tutarli sistem
- Cümle, tümce
- Mahkum etmek, hakkında hüküm vermek
- Ceza vermek, hüküm giydirmek
- İlam, karar, hüküm
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
consistent set of sentencesconsistent systemconsistent system of equationsconsistentconsistent and logicalconsistent axiomatic theoryconsistent estimateconsistent estimatorconsistent greaseconsistent postulatesconsistenceconsistence oilconsistencyconsistency checkconsistency checkersentencesentence beginningsentence completionsentence methodsentence of a courtsentence of nullitysentence of statementsentence schemasentence stresssentence structuresentesentsent aftersent backsent forsent forward