consistent sentence ne demek?

  1. Dizimsel tutarlı önerme

consistent set of sentences

  1. Dizimsel tutarlı önerme kümesi

consistent system

  1. Tutarli sistem


  1. Cümle, tümce
  2. Mahkum etmek, hakkında hüküm vermek
  3. Ceza vermek, hüküm giydirmek
  4. İlam, karar, hüküm

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

consistent set of sentencesconsistent systemconsistent system of equationsconsistentconsistent and logicalconsistent axiomatic theoryconsistent estimateconsistent estimatorconsistent greaseconsistent postulatesconsistenceconsistence oilconsistencyconsistency checkconsistency checkersentencesentence beginningsentence completionsentence methodsentence of a courtsentence of nullitysentence of statementsentence schemasentence stresssentence structuresentesentsent aftersent backsent forsent forward
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