commands ne demek?
- Kumanda edişler
- Komuta.
- Elektronik aygıtları belli bir uzaklıktan yönetmeye yarayan kablosuz alet.
- Bk. oyun çubuğu
- Command.
- Direction.
- Conn.
- Attendance.
- Remote control.
- Control.
- Actuation.
commands and settings
- Komutlar ve ayarlar
commands for adjusting this window
- Bu pencereyi ayarlamak için komutlar
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
commands and settingscommands for adjusting this windowcommands for administering shared folderscommands for arranging windowscommands for displaying file manager helpcommands for getting helpcommands for setting optionscommands for working with diskscommands for working with filescommandcommand and controlcommand and control communication systemcommand and control information systemcommand areacommacomma accentcomma alignmentcomma alignment tabcomma bacillus