coherent scattering ne demek?
- Koherent saçılma
- Birbirine uygun ve bağlantılı.
- Cohesive.
- Bkz. koherent
- Tutarlı, birbirini tutan, uyumlu
- Uygun, ahenkli
- Yapışık, iltisak
coherent light
- Koherent ışık
- Az miktar
- Serpinti
- Dağılış, saçılma
- Serpilmiş.
- Saçılma, saçma, savurma
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
coherentcoherent lightcoherent oscillatorcoherent precipitatecoherent precipitationcoherent receivercoherent signal detectioncoherent statescoherent system of units of measurementcoherent unit of measurementcoherencecoherence coherencycoherencycoherecoheircoheiresscoheirshipcohencohen sendromuscatteringscattering anglescattering lossscatterscatter brainscatter brainedscatter chartscatter coefficient