coherent scattering ne demek?

  1. Koherent saçılma


  1. Birbirine uygun ve bağlantılı.
  2. (en)Cohesive.


  1. Bkz. koherent
  2. Tutarlı, birbirini tutan, uyumlu
  3. Uygun, ahenkli
  4. Yapışık, iltisak

coherent light

  1. Koherent ışık


  1. Az miktar
  2. Serpinti
  3. Dağılış, saçılma
  4. Serpilmiş.
  5. Saçılma, saçma, savurma

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

coherentcoherent lightcoherent oscillatorcoherent precipitatecoherent precipitationcoherent receivercoherent signal detectioncoherent statescoherent system of units of measurementcoherent unit of measurementcoherencecoherence coherencycoherencycoherecoheircoheiresscoheirshipcohencohen sendromuscatteringscattering anglescattering lossscatterscatter brainscatter brainedscatter chartscatter coefficient
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