coaxial plug ne demek?

  1. Koaksiyal fiş


  1. Bk. eksendeş

coaxial plane

  1. Eksendeş düzlem

coaxial antenna

  1. Koaksiyel anten


  1. (elek) fiş
  2. Tapa, tıkaç, tampon
  3. Yararsız şey
  4. Oto buji
  5. Yangın musluğu
  6. Tütün parçası
  7. (argo) övme
  8. (argo) vuruş, vurma
  9. (argo) yumruk, dayak
  10. Dolgu yapmak

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

coaxial planecoaxial antennacoaxial attenuatorcoaxial cablecoaxial cavitycoaxial connectorcoaxialcoaxial diodecoaxial feedercoaxial filtercoaxial linecoaxcoax cablecoax s.t. out of s.o.coax smthcoax smth. out of smbplugplug and goplug and playplug awayplug away atplug compatibleplug contactplug flowplug forplug fusepluckpluck atpluck smb. by the sleevepluck up by the rootpluck up courage
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