classical drama ne demek?
- Klasik dram türü
- Kökleşik
- Eski Yunan ve Roma çağı dili ve sanatı ile ilgili olan
- XVll. yüzyıl Fransız dili, sanatı ve yazarları ile ilgili olan.
- Üzerinde çok zaman geçtiği hâlde değerini yitirmeyen, türünde örnek olarak görülen (eser veya sanatçı).
- Sanatta kuralcı.
- Alışılmış olan, yenilik getirmeyen, geleneksel
- Eski Yunan, Roma ve XVII. yüzyıl Fransız sanatıyla ilgili sanatçı veya eser.
- Fr. Çok eskiden yazıldığı halde değerini kaybetmeyen eser veya san'at eseri.
classical dance
- Klasik dans
classical dancer
- Klasik dansçı
- Dram.
Dramatic composition and the literature pertaining to or illustrating it; dramatic literature.
The quality of being arresting or highly emotional the literary genre of works intended for the theater an episode that is turbulent or highly emotional.
Dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage; 'he wrote several plays but only one was produced on Broadway'.
An episode that is turbulent or highly emotional.
The literary genre of works intended for the theater.
The quality of being arresting or highly emotional.
Story written to be performed by actors.
The art of composing, writing, acting, or producing plays; a literary composition intended to portray life character or tell a story usually involving conflicts and emotions exhibited through action and dialogue, designed for theatrical performance.
The literary genre which describes texts written for performance on stage, or on radio or television.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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