clamp screw ne demek?
- Sikistirma vidasi
clamp bolt
- Kelepçe civatası
clamp circuit
- bloke devresi,kenetleme devresi
- Vidalamak, çevirmek
- Vida
- Uskur, gemi pervanesi
- Vidanın dönmesi
- Dönüş, çevriliş
- Basınç, tazyik
- Geçirmek, dönmek
- Burmak
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
clamp boltclamp circuitclamp couplingclamp downclamp down onclampclamp plateclamp retaining nutclamp the lid on smthclamp the lid on smth.clamclam chowderclam upclamantclamator glandariusscrewscrew a persons armscrew aroundscrew augerscrew axisscrew boltscrew capscrew conveyorscrew cutterscrew cuttingscreachscreakscreakyscreamscream out