clamp screw ne demek?

  1. Sikistirma vidasi

clamp bolt

  1. Kelepçe civatası

clamp circuit

  1. bloke devresi,kenetleme devresi


  1. Vidalamak, çevirmek
  2. Vida
  3. Uskur, gemi pervanesi
  4. Vidanın dönmesi
  5. Dönüş, çevriliş
  6. Basınç, tazyik
  7. Geçirmek, dönmek
  8. Burmak

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

clamp boltclamp circuitclamp couplingclamp downclamp down onclampclamp plateclamp retaining nutclamp the lid on smthclamp the lid on smth.clamclam chowderclam upclamantclamator glandariusscrewscrew a persons armscrew aroundscrew augerscrew axisscrew boltscrew capscrew conveyorscrew cutterscrew cuttingscreachscreakscreakyscreamscream out
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