chief commander ne demek?
- Başkomutan
- Savaşta bir devletin bütün kara, deniz ve hava kuvvetlerini yöneten büyük komutan, başkumandan, serdar.
- Tüm silâhlı kuvvetlerin başı.
Commander in chief.
Chief commander.
Commander-in-chief başkumandan.
Commandant en chef
chief commissioner of labor relations
chief constable
- Emniyet müdürü
- Kumandan, komutan
- Önder, baş
- Deniz binbaşısı
- Komutan, kumandan, amir, şef, tarikat şefi
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
chief commissioner of labor relationschief constablechief cookchief cook and bottlewasherchief course judgechiefchief chief accountantchief agentchief armor officerchief army chaplainchief artillery officerchief assistantchief clerkchichi chichi mesonchi ortacığıchi square distributioncommandercommander in chiefcommander komutancommander of the armycommander of the faithfulcommandershipcommanderycommandeercommandcommand and controlcommand and control communication systemcommand and control information systemcommand areacommacomma accentcomma alignmentcomma alignment tabcomma bacillus