cet becet ne demek?
- Atalardan beri, soyca.
- Dede, büyük baba, ata
- Bk. Erzurum taşı (II)
- Central Europe mean Time, it is the time of the first time zone, just eastward the zero time zone, 1 hour in advance on UTC time Italy adopts CET time since 1893.
- Computer Engineering Technology.
- Continuing Education and Training.
- Cisco Encryption Technology.
- Combat Engineer Tractor.
- Ancestor.
- Predecessor.
- Forerunner.
- Bk. balinalar
- Balinalar.
- Memeli deniz hayvanları takımı.
- Cetacea
- Serçegillerden, küçük bir kuş (Passer).