cathodic protection ne demek?

  1. Katotik koruma


  1. Katotlarla alakalı, akımın negatif kutbu ile alakalı (Elektrik)

cathodic area

  1. Katodik bölge


  1. Koruma, muhafaza, himaye
  2. Sığınacak yer, korunacak yer, barınak
  3. Serbest seyahat vesikası
  4. Korunma, kayırma
  5. Haraç, önlem, tedbir

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

cathodiccathodic areacathodic coatingcathodic etchingcathodic evaporationcathodic inhibitorscathodic over potentialcathodic picklingcathodic sputteringcathodicallycathod ray tubecathodalcathodecathode beamcathode biasprotectionprotection against unfair competitionprotection capprotection durationprotection duration of workprotection dutyprotection effects of tariffsprotection functionprotection moneyprotection of industrial propertyprotectingprotecting glassprotecting groupprotecting liquidprotectprotect a billprotect toprotectedprotected emplacement
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